Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A lot has been made of the fact that the Bruins and Canadiens will be playing Game 7 less than 22 hours after the conclusion of Game 6, raising questions about whether fatigue could be a factor Wednesday night. But the Bruins themselves aren’t too concerned about the turnaround.

“We’re at the stage here that we got trainers, we got good people around,” Claude Julien said. “That’s all been taken care of, and I’m sure it’s the same for the other side. I don’t think there’s much that gets left behind nowadays. Everybody has a job to do and everybody knows how to do it. You rely on your people around you. And our players are pretty well trained athletes as well that know how to hydrate themselves. Certainly we don’t plan on having that as an obstacle tonight.”

Shawn Thornton said Wednesday hasn’t been any different than any other game day.

“I can’t speak for everybody in the dressing room, but nothing,” Thornton said when asked what, if anything, changed in his game-day routine. “We got in early enough last night that I got the same amount of sleep as I normally would. I drank the same amount of coffee. … Back-to-backs aren’t a big deal. We do them all the time.”

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