Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Personal equation with Karim remains same: SRK

Mumbai: Just a day after certain sections of media reported that SRK ditched his old friend and Bollywood film financer Karim Morani after the latter’s name cropped up in 2G scam, the actor did a volte-face act and backed him with all support.

Talking to media in a press conference, SRK said, “We all know each other well. He is a great friend. But one does not know the full aspect of the case. We pray that all this sorts out well. Law will take its own course. We just have to wait and see.”

However, SRK was on his guards when he maintained that the case does not have to do anything with his personal and professional relationships with Karim Morani as he added, “Personal equation with Karim remains same. We have been working with him and this is a different matter.”

Interestingly, Karim Morani`s daughter Zoa makes her debuts in SRK’s production ‘Always Kabhi Kabhi’.

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